Sunday, October 25, 2009

Messiah Event-Filled Weekend Part I

A lucky twenty of us began our "Messiah Event-Filled Weekend" with a boat cruise of Newport Harbor - an auction purchase. It was a perfect day for the cruise, the food and drink were wonderful, and the company delightful!

Messiah Event-Filled Weekend Part II

Following the boat trip, many of us "gilded the lily" by heading to a Supper Club Halloween Party. Ah, the witches! And Joyce makes a great "couch potato" (although in spite of appearances, she really cooked up a great meal and an elaborately decorated and atmospheric Halloween House for our event! Need I say - great good fun was had by all!

Messiah Event-Filled Weekend Part III

The "Messiah-Event-Filled Weekend" ended with Oktoberfest - a smashing success, replete with 14 piece band, Bob Streutker's home-brew,German sausages, red cabbage, and potato salad. Wonderful event! The beer-and-band even fueled some dancing! Great good fun was had by all!


Just received this darling picture of "Swimmer Riley" and couldn't resist sharing!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Halloween Sleep-Over

Jack had a "Halloween Sleep-Over" and we went to Disneyland (yes, that jack o'lantern IS Mickey Mouse in pumpkin form!) where even his favorite goats in the petting zoo sported Halloween bandanas around their necks. Home to put jack o'lantern faces on cookies... A fun (if exhausting!) day was had by all!

Coco loves horses!

Here is Coco, at her horseback riding lesson. Riding is her current passion, and she LOVES horses!

Friday, October 16, 2009

A Belated Birthday Celebration for Taylor

Taylor had no school today, and we have been trying to find a date for a "Nail Spa Day" and lunch for a belated birthday celebration. We began with a sleep-over with Jack and Alex - who delighted in their older cousin's attentions! - and the next morning Taylor and I started off on our own adventure.

Busy Bee Alex

While Jack was at his "Sports Camp," Alex busied herself in the back yard! (The black eye is from an altercation with the corner of a table, into which she walked.) What great good fun! She couldn't decide what to do next!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Soccer and Dollies

I took Jack to his mini-Sports Camp yesterday. Here he is, being "goalie," while little sister Alex is happy to take the clothes off her new dolly! (Why do little kids always like to take the clothes off dolls, I wonder?!)