Monday, September 28, 2009

Sleep-Over with Jack

Jack had a sleep-over at Granny's. He wanted soooo badly to stay awake for the traditional Hot Chocolate in Great-Great-Grandma's Chocolate set ("very delicate!") -but, as he said, "my eyes keep closing by theirselves! I don't want them to, but they do!" - so we had to have our hot chocolate ritual in the morning instead of before bed, before we headed to the Aquarium... Alex got in on the "before" and "after" part of our adventure - here she is(banged up a little from the "header" she took down the back stairs!) hugging her dolly - and enjoying her ice cream!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Jack likes to "break tees" - and Alex watches (when she's not trying to play herself!)...

Coco is Five!

Coco and I went on an "Birthday Expedition" to lunch and the American Girl store on a VERY HOT DAY! We really needed this ice cream break!